Programming Language PHP Python Ruby Java Kotlin C C++ C# Objective-C Swift HTML
Game Engine Unity Unreal Engine
Animation Autodesk Maya Blender Autodesk 3ds Max Autodesk MotionBuilder Adobe Animate Cinema 4D Spine
Framework Laravel CodeIgniter Ruby on Rails .NET Titanium jQuery Mobile Wicket Sencha Touch Yii Spring React Native Express Django Angular Vue Ember Meteor
Database SQLite MySQL PostgreSQL Cassandra Hbase Oracle Microsoft SQL Server
NoSQL Database Amazon DynamoDB MongoDB Redis Couchbase Apache CouchDB RavenDB
Blockchain Non-modifiable data storage Cryptocurrency trading (Currency deposit, Placing order, Automated order matching)
Operating System iOS Android macOS Windows Linux
Web Hosting Amazon EC2 GoDaddy Bluehost HostGator Exabytes Heroku Site5 Brightbox Linode Rackspace Glesys Dreamhost SiteGround
Automated Deployment Capistrano
Full Text Search Sphinx Elasticsearch Solr
API Integration RapidPro LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Twilio UPS Flickr Picasa Amazon AWS Amazon Product Advertising API
Javascript Framework ReactJS AngularJS Vue.js Node.js Express.js TypeScript jQuery jQuery UI
Charts Open flash chart Highchart
Source Code Management GIT SVN
CMS WordPress Drupal Joomla ModX Wix Weebly Squarespace
Online Payment Gateway PayPal Stripe 2Checkout Square SecurePay Worldpay PortWallet SSLCOMMERZ
Test Frameworks Rails testing framework RSpec Capybara Factory girl Shoulda Cucumber
eCommerce WooCommerce Shopify Magento BigCommerce OpenCart nopCommerce PrestaShop Spree Commerce
Big Data Hadoop (HDFS, MapReduce etc.) Infographic
Testing Test plan Test case Integration RegressionFunctional Security Smoke Load Performance Usability Automation Engineering Requirement Visualization TestComplete xUNIT Selenium Postman SOAPOI BDD Ranorex Kobiton
Design Responsive Design Twitter Bootstrap HTML 5 with CSS3
User Interface (UI) Adobe XD Balsamiq Axure
Photo Editing Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Lightroom Adobe After Effects
Video Editing Adobe Premiere Adobe After Effects Snagit
Project Management Tool Jira Trello Basecamp Asana Monday Pivotal Tracker Scrumpad Unfuddle Trajectory Targetprocess
Collaboration Tool Zoom Skype Google Drive gTalk TeamViewer
IDE Android Studio Xcode Microsoft Visual Studio NetBeans Eclipse RubyMine
Artificial Intelligence (AI) IBM Watson Rasa Microsoft Azure AI Platform Google Cloud AI Platform Dialogflow
Methodologies Scrum
Security Penetration testing Cross-site scripting SAAM 1.2 XSS CSRF MASVS NIST Framework Malware Defence Testing OWASP Top Ten Kali Linux Acunetix ZAP Forensics Paladin Burp proxy CAINE SIFT
3D Painter Substance Painter ZBrush 3D Coat Sculptris Cheetah 3D Mudbox
UV Mapping Tool RizomUV Ultimate Unwrap 3D UVLayout Silo3D
Game Development Framework Cocos2d Cocos2d-x Phaser OpenFL
Game Development Tool Cocos Creator Construct 2 Game Maker Buildbox GameSalad Stencyl
Motion Sensor & VR Kinect VicoVR Pico VR Oculus Go Oculus Quest Oculus Rift HTC Vive
Programming Language
PHP Python Ruby Java Kotlin C C++ C# Objective-C Swift HTML
Game Engine
Unity Unreal Engine
Autodesk Maya Blender Autodesk 3ds Max Autodesk MotionBuilder Adobe Animate Cinema 4D Spine
Laravel CodeIgniter Ruby on Rails .NET Titanium jQuery Mobile Wicket Sencha Touch Yii Spring React Native Express Django Angular Vue Ember Meteor
SQLite MySQL PostgreSQL Cassandra Hbase Oracle Microsoft SQL Server
NoSQL Database
Amazon DynamoDB MongoDB Redis Couchbase Apache CouchDB RavenDB
Non-modifiable data storage Cryptocurrency trading (Currency deposit, Placing order, Automated order matching)
Operating System
iOS Android macOS Windows Linux
Web Hosting
Amazon EC2 GoDaddy Bluehost HostGator Exabytes Heroku Site5 Brightbox Linode Rackspace Glesys Dreamhost SiteGround
Automated Deployment
Full Text Search
Sphinx Elasticsearch Solr
API Integration
RapidPro LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Twilio UPS Flickr Picasa Amazon AWS Amazon Product Advertising API
Javascript Framework
ReactJS AngularJS Vue.js Node.js Express.js TypeScript jQuery jQuery UI
Open flash chart Highchart
Source Code Management
WordPress Drupal Joomla ModX Wix Weebly Squarespace
Online Payment Gateway
PayPal Stripe 2Checkout Square SecurePay Worldpay PortWallet SSLCOMMERZ
Test Frameworks
Rails testing framework RSpec Capybara Factory girl Shoulda Cucumber
WooCommerce Shopify Magento BigCommerce OpenCart nopCommerce PrestaShop Spree Commerce
Big Data
Hadoop (HDFS, MapReduce etc.) Infographic
Test plan Test case Integration RegressionFunctional Security Smoke Load Performance Usability Automation Engineering Requirement Visualization TestComplete xUNIT Selenium Postman SOAPOI BDD Ranorex Kobiton
Responsive Design Twitter Bootstrap HTML 5 with CSS3
User Interface (UI)
Adobe XD Balsamiq Axure
Photo Editing
Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Lightroom Adobe After Effects
Video Editing
Adobe Premiere Adobe After Effects Snagit
Project Management Tool
Jira Trello Basecamp Asana Monday Pivotal Tracker Scrumpad Unfuddle Trajectory Targetprocess
Collaboration Tool
Zoom Skype Google Drive gTalk TeamViewer
Android Studio Xcode Microsoft Visual Studio NetBeans Eclipse RubyMine
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
IBM Watson Rasa Microsoft Azure AI Platform Google Cloud AI Platform Dialogflow
Penetration testing Cross-site scripting SAAM 1.2 XSS CSRF MASVS NIST Framework Malware Defence Testing OWASP Top Ten Kali Linux Acunetix ZAP Forensics Paladin Burp proxy CAINE SIFT
3D Painter
Substance Painter ZBrush 3D Coat Sculptris Cheetah 3D Mudbox
UV Mapping Tool
RizomUV Ultimate Unwrap 3D UVLayout Silo3D
Game Development Framework
Cocos2d Cocos2d-x Phaser OpenFL
Game Development Tool
Cocos Creator Construct 2 Game Maker Buildbox GameSalad Stencyl
Motion Sensor & VR
Kinect VicoVR Pico VR Oculus Go Oculus Quest Oculus Rift HTC Vive
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