Teachers’ Portal, also known as “Shikkhok Batayan,” is an ambitious project for Risuep Labs. Partnering with a2i and the Ministry of Education, Riseup Labs sees the Teachers’ Portal as an embodiment of our vision for a technology-driven, fair, and inclusive society, ensuring educational rights for everyone.

It is a national online portal dedicated to the training and skill development of teachers in Bangladesh. The platform allows teachers to access courses, disseminate knowledge, and upload and access multimedia content. Teachers can engage in peer-to-peer learning sessions through the platform and be more equipped to integrate technology into classroom teaching. Additionally, the portal features the Teachers Guide app, presenting the NCTB guide in an easily readable format.

Establish a national online Continuing Professional Development (CPD) platform for teachers throughout the country.

In a joint intervention to reinforce the education sector of Bangladesh, a2i and the Ministry of Education assigned Riseup Labs the ambitious task of developing the Teachers’ Portal. The platform is intended to enhance education, promote equality, and ensure the right to quality education for all, including learners with disabilities.

Empowering Educators Through Teachers' Portal | Case Study | The Objective

The Teachers’ Portal contributes by:

Developing a robust and feature-rich portal that connects teachers all over the country.

The core challenge of this project is to develop a smooth and efficient platform that can support a sizable user base. The platform should also be optimized for supporting a huge amount of multimedia content.

Empowering Educators Through Teachers' Portal | Case Study | The Challenge

Listed below is a breakdown of the core project challenges.

Leveraging advanced DevOps to build a smooth, user-friendly, and feature-rich platform for educators.

Through thorough research and a methodical approach, the platform now offers full-fledged and comprehensive solutions to educators. User feedback also shaped the platform to be highly accessible and accommodating, especially for users with disabilities.

Empowering Educators Through Teachers' Portal | Case Study | The Solution

Below is a rundown of the solutions offered.

Teachers’ Portal has become a highly acclaimed platform, earning numerous recognitions.

Empowering Educators Through Teachers' Portal | Case Study | The Impact

Learn about the vision behind and impact of the Teachers’ Portal below.

Explore the remarkable journey of Riseup Labs‘ Teachers‘ Portal, chosen as one of the top 5 champions of the prestigious WSIS Prizes 2024.

Discover Riseup Labs’ latest Teacher’s Portal project in Uganda.

Riseup Labs, in collaboration with a2i, is set to build Teachers’ Portal for Uganda. This collaboration marks the organization’s commitment to advancing education and shaping an inclusive, technology-enabled society.

a2i signs with Riseup Labs to Develop Teachers' Portal for Uganda Inner Thumbnail

This page was last edited on 15 August 2024, at 3:45 pm