TAP TAP ANTS Classic – all you need to know about the First Ant Smashing Game

TAP TAP ANTS Classic โ€“ all you need to know about the First Ant Smashing Game

Tap Tap Ants Classic is an incredible & first ant smashing game what will make your time better. Here inside the game you have your food & there’s too many hungry ants. Keep smashing them by tapping or get ready to lose your food!

At the very beginning of this Tap Tap Ants (see here) game you may find this tapping easy but keep tapping then you will see how easy to save food from hungry ANTS!

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Just like an adventure, Inside the game you may find few things. First, the MODE button- there you will see few modes. Time, Survival, Kids, UFO, Pro & Battlefield. It might not be a full game for lessons, but it’s a game for fun, surely.

Tap Tap Ants: Time Mode
Tap Tap Ants: Time Mode

In Time mode, you have only 1 min time to smash ants as much as you can. And on that basis you will get more time then again & again.

Tap Tap Ants: Survival Mode
Tap Tap Ants: Survival Mode

In Survival mode, you will have some food to save from those hungry ants. As much as time goes the more ants will come to eat your food. Each ant you miss your food availability will be deducted -1. If you loss all of your food then the game would be over. So, keep tapping if you don’t wanna lose your food as well as the game!!!

Tap Tap Ants: Kids Mode
Tap Tap Ants: Kids Mode

Then, the Kids mode. Here, things are little bit funny. This mode is easier than others, ants are moving slowly then other modes & ants have a funny structure here. Try this option & you will see it is made for the children as well as for those who can’t tap faster. You have to buy this mode.

Tap Tap Ants: UFO Mode
Tap Tap Ants: UFO Mode

In UFO mode things are same almost only the thing is there you will face some ALIEN ants here! Keep tapping & you will definitelyย  see it. You have to buy it.

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Tap Tap Ants: PRO vs Normal
Tap Tap Ants: PRO vs Normal

The Pro option is for the Pro version of this game. In normal mode some Ads will interrupt when you play but in pro there’s no Ads but only the thing is you have to buy it. See the difference here.

And the Battlefield option is our another game of this Tap Tap Ants Classic game. You can download it from here. Its Free for you.


Then there are other options in Home page of this game. Game Center, where you can check who have got highest point on that day or weekly or all time & you can challenge anyone from here. Options– for some other things like sound on/off, notification on/off etc. More– for more suggested apps for you in iTunes. Share– to share the app/score on your facebook, twitter or email.

Download Tap Tap Ants Classic game from iTunes or App Store & Enjoy your time.

Download on the app store
get it on google play
available on amazon
Download from windows phone store

This game has another sequel that you might love also is Tap Tap Ants : Battlefield.

For more details, please visit Riseup Labs.

You can contact them here.

Mohaimin Talha on Email
Mohaimin Talha
Product Designer @ Riseup Labs
Hi, I am a fun loving Game Designer who completed Graduation on Marketing and has a passion for writing stories or anything. However, in previous, I worked as Content Writer and Digital Marketing Intern. To me, life without PC or mobile games is nothing but a fallen star from the sky, which could not afford to light up some moments more.

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