iWarehouse – best puzzle game to check your IQ!

iWarehouse โ€“ best puzzle game to check your IQ!

Puzzle games are always for testing your IQ. How you can match those things or which step you gonna take after one step. Cause every single step will take you to the result, you win or not. iWarehouse is one of the best puzzle games on the app store. And it will surely test your problem solving abilities.

In this game, there are different country’s of level to check your IQ. Those are locked & you need to unlock them one by one. So don’t be late, start your journey to solve the puzzles.

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To make the game easier for you, there is an Undo button so that you can undo your steps if you make any mistakes. Again, if you face problems to solve any stage, you can Refresh that stage to start from the beginning. And an easier option is – use Gate Pass whenever you get stuck.

To make the game more interesting, there are different dynamic obstacles such as bombs and ice boxes and many more!

Before play the game check you target destination then plan your moves. Use the D-Pad Controller to move & push the box Up/Down/Left/Right. And the most important thing is – you can not pull the boxes and only one box can be pushed at a time.

When you’ll play the game, you will find on the top of that page – how many steps & time you are taking to reach your destination. Try to reach in shorter time & steps to get 3 star.

There’s an easy Share option to share your successes or invite your friends via Facebook, Twitter or Message. In the Store option you will get that Gate Pass, you need to buy it.

And the Pro option will take you to the pro version of the game where you won’t face any annoying ads, all countries are unlocked, 2 free Gate Pass. So buy the Pro version of this app.

Download iWarehouse now to play in your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad & increase your IQ level.

iWarehouse: Brand new user interface
iWarehouse: Brand new user interface
iWarehouse: Dynamic Features
iWarehouse: Dynamic Features
iWarehouse: Exciting gameplay elements
iWarehouse: Exciting gameplay elements
iWarehouse: Exciting warehouses
iWarehouse: Exciting warehouses
iWarehouse: Exciting country mode
iWarehouse: Exciting country mode

Few Screenshots From iWarehouse

Download iWarehouse (free)


Download iWarehouse (paid)

To know more about this puzzle game and other games, visit Riseup Labs.

Mohaimin Talha on Email
Mohaimin Talha
Product Designer @ Riseup Labs
Hi, I am a fun loving Game Designer who completed Graduation on Marketing and has a passion for writing stories or anything. However, in previous, I worked as Content Writer and Digital Marketing Intern. To me, life without PC or mobile games is nothing but a fallen star from the sky, which could not afford to light up some moments more.

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