As mobile applications become increasingly integral to our daily lives. Ensuring the security of mobile apps begins in the development phase. This introduction provides an overview of the best practices for mobile app development security, focusing on the importance of encryption, secure APIs, and rigorous testing to safeguard against potential threats.

Why Does Mobile Development Security Matters?

Focusing on security during mobile app development is essential to defend against cyber threats, safeguard user information, and ensure compliance with regulatory standards. It’s a critical component for the app’s long-term success and reputation.

What are Common Mistakes in Mobile App Development Security?

No Data Encryption Mechanism Use :

Failing to encrypt sensitive data both in transit and  Not using secure communication protocols like HTTPS can expose data to interception and man-in-the-middle attacks.

Poor Session Management:

Not properly managing user sessions, such as allowing long session durations or not invalidating sessions after logout, can lead to session hijacking.

Insecure Data Storage:

Storing sensitive data in insecure locations, such as local files or databases without proper protection, can lead to data leaks if the device is compromised.

Lack of Code Obfuscation:

Not obfuscating the code can make it easier for attackers to reverse-engineer the app and discover vulnerabilities.

Insufficient Input Validation:

Not validating user inputs properly can make the app vulnerable to injection attacks like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).

Improper Use of Third-Party Libraries:

Using outdated or insecure third-party libraries without regular updates and security checks can introduce vulnerabilities.

Insufficient Logging and Monitoring:

Failing to implement proper logging and monitoring mechanisms can delay the detection and response to security incidents.

Poor Error Handling:

Revealing detailed error messages to users can provide attackers with valuable information about the app’s inner workings, aiding in their exploitation efforts.

How to Overcome Data Security Issues in Mobile App Development with Flutter

At this point, we can explore methods to overcome data security issues in mobile app development with Flutter.

1. Implement Data Encryption Mechanisms: Data encryption involves converting sensitive information into an unreadable format using a secret key, ensuring that only authorized parties with the decryption key can access the original data. Flutter provides several packages for implementing data encryption. When transmitting sensitive data to other applications or servers via HTTP, make sure to apply these encryption mechanisms. Below is an example code.

import 'package:encrypt/encrypt.dart'; 
final key = Key.fromUtf8('my 32 length key................');
final iv = IV.fromLength(16);
final encrypter = Encrypter(AES(key));
final encrypted = encrypter.encrypt('plain text', iv: iv);
final decrypted = encrypter.decrypt(encrypted, iv: iv);

2. API Security : When passing data from an app to a server and receiving a response, it’s crucial to maintain proper security protocols. Without SSL certificates and API encryption for payloads, data can be vulnerable to unauthorized access. To enhance security in this scenario, I recommend the following two methods before making an HTTP request to the server.

  • Implement SSL/TLS Certificates: Ensure that all communications between the app and the server are encrypted using SSL/TLS certificates. This will help secure data in transit and prevent unauthorized interception. Additionally, avoid using this code in production environments,reserve it for development purposes only.
var client = HttpClient();
client.badCertificateCallback = (X509Certificate cert, String host, int port) => true;
HttpClientRequest request = await client.getUrl(Uri.parse(''));
HttpClientResponse response = await request.close();
  • Encrypt API Payloads: Protect confidential information during transit using strong encryption methods also mentioned before.
  1. Secure Local Storage : Mobile apps often handle sensitive user information like login credentials, financial data, or private messages.  If this data is not stored securely, it can be stolen by malicious actors and used for scam purposes. Several mechanisms can be employed to enhance the security of local data storage on mobile applications.Encryption is the process of converting data into a coded format that can only be read by someone who has the decryption key. There are two main types of encryption. 
  • Symmetric Encryption: Uses the same key for both encryption and decryption. It is fast and suitable for encrypting large amounts of data. 
  • Asymmetric Encryption: Uses a pair of keys (public and private) for encryption and decryption. It is more secure but slower, making it ideal for encrypting small amounts of data, such as encryption keys.

In section 1, I shared an example code for an encryption mechanism that requires an external package encrypt for secure storage. If you are not interested in using an external package, you can achieve the same functionality using platform-specific solutions.

  • Secure Key Store for Android
  • Keychain for iOS
  1. Code Obfuscation: Code obfuscation involves modifying the code to obscure its purpose and logic without altering its functionality. This includes techniques such as renaming variables and methods to meaningless strings, removing or altering comments and debugging information, and employing more complex coding patterns.
  • Implementing Code Obfuscation in Flutter: When building your app, use the –obfuscate flag along with –split-debug-info to specify the directory where obfuscation symbols will be stored. Try to generate apk using this command as below. Here is official link obfuscation
flutter build apk --obfuscate --split-debug-info=/<project-name>/<directory>
  1. Input Validation : Consider using regular expressions for input validation to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) and other vulnerabilities. Below is a simple example code.
String validateEmail(String value) {
  Pattern pattern =
  RegExp regex = new RegExp(pattern);
  if (!regex.hasMatch(value)) return 'Enter a valid email';
  else return null;
  1. Regular Updates and Security Checks: Regularly update your dependencies to their latest versions to ensure security patches and improvements are applied. One of the dependencies (http) are direct, and one is transitive (meta). As the following example shows, dart pub outdated colorizes the output by default when you run it on the command line. For details here
flutter pub outdated

After applied this command then we will see, 

Package Name  Current    Upgradable  Resolvable  Latest
direct dependencies:
http          0.11.3+17  0.11.3+17   0.12.1      0.12.1   
dev_dependencies: all up-to-date
transitive dependencies:
meta          1.1.6      1.1.6       1.1.6       1.1.8  
transitive dev_dependencies: all up-to-date
1 upgradable dependency is locked (in pubspec.lock) to an older version.
To update it, use `dart pub upgrade`.
1 dependency is constrained to a version that is older than a resolvable version.
To update it, edit pubspec.yaml.
  1. Secure Log System : Flutter developers use various logging methods such as Log(), debugPrint(), and print() to view console data. However, improper use of these methods can lead to security vulnerabilities by exposing sensitive data when the app is deployed in production.So, developers should be careful and responsible when using logging methods.
  • Avoid this line of code when printing logs for development purposes.
print("Hi, Flutter developer");
  • Instead, use this good practice to check before printing any logs:
if (kDebugMode) {
  print("Hi, Flutter developer");


The mobile threat landscape is constantly evolving. By staying informed about the latest security vulnerabilities and trends, you can ensure your Flutter apps remain protected. This guide provides a solid foundation, but continuous learning and keeping pace with security advancements are essential for long-term app security.

This page was last edited on 29 July 2024, at 4:01 pm